Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Made My Explore the World Of Photography More.

       Photography has always been something at my fingertips. Photography use to be a hobby that I didn't know how to explore more. I was very shy and it felt like a nightmare to speak and photography helped me out of my shyness. I would approach random strangers at the mall if they were unique. I had my camera everyday from sixth grade on. I would work hard and save my money so that I could see the next pictures that I recently took. The excitement was nerve racking. The releif was over whelming when I actually was able to reveiw. I dreamed of the day when I was able to learn the technicalities of the feild. While in highschool I excelled in the ARTs but I was discouraged to pursue this feild that made me so happy. It wasn't till I went to the community college and finished my high school diploma. My first  goal was to visit my aunt in Germany over the summer for 3 months and when I returned to school I pursed a basic photography class. Everyday I had chemicals all over my clothing but it didn't even bother me. I took photographs of everything a came across. My world was complete.